Irene Montgomery
With summer coming, this is the perfect time to start prepping your swimming pool for the sunny new season. Well before you plan your first swim party, there are a few steps you need to go through to get the pool ready. Here's a handy checklist.
Uncover It
Obviously, step one is to uncover the pool and physically clean the debris that's gathered during the fall and winter. Try to remove large debris from the cover before moving it to avoid damage. Spread the cover out on flat ground and clean it off with a leaf rake or leaf blower and a soft cloth before carefully folding it and storing it in a plastic container.
Clean the Pool
Clean the area around the pool to remove winter debris before you begin opening up the pool itself. This will make it easier to clean and examine the pool. Skim leaves and other junk off the water surface with a long-handled skimmer. Use a long-handled brush to clean dirt or algae from the sides, then vacuum the bottom to clean up the debris from the bottom.
Refill the Water
Check that the skimmer water level is high enough to ensure that the pump can work properly. Its likely that you'll need to add some water if the pool hasn't been used in a few months.
Get the Pump Working
Take a look at the pump and its equipment -- hoses, pumps and filters -- to make sure they are all in working order. Change the sand or cartridge if your filter calls for it, then lubricate the valves and rings. Tighten the filtration system's pipes if needed. Then start the circulation system and make sure it runs properly for about 8 to 12 hours.
Check the pH Levels
Once the water has been circulating for a while, it's time to check the water's chemical levels. This includes checking the pH level, total alkalinity, chlorine and hardness due to calcium. Using a pH kit, fill the test container from about 12 to 18 inches below the surface level and away from the pump inlet. Add the testing agent to the water sample, cap and shake. Your testing kit will help you determine the proper levels and how to add chemicals to balance the water.
Examine the Pool
Now that the hard part is over, take a few minutes to physically walk around the pool and examine it carefully. Are there signs of cracks or wear to the pool's interior and sides? Is the concrete on the edges and in the walking areas in good condition or are there spots that could be unsafe for swimmers or people walking around the pool? Is the safety equipment available and in good shape or is it worn? Check that the gate and latch, diving board and any handrails are all solid.
By properly opening up your swimming pool early, you'll have time to make sure everything is in order before you invite guests over. Buying early in the season may also save money if you need to purchase supplies or make repairs. And then you can sit back, relax and enjoy your fun-filled summer.
For more information, contact Contemporary Pools Inc or a similar company.
My husband and I are considering selling our small brick home in the near future. While we’ve completed some work on this house recently, we know we will need to do a few more things before we put it on the market. For instance, we need to replace some of the flooring, paint some of the walls, and replace some of the siding on the front porch. In addition, we may want to add a pool to the backyard. Because we live in the hot southern United States, many of our neighbors have pools. On this blog, I hope you will discover the best types of pools to install in a home you may sell in the near future. Enjoy!